Blagodati pčelinjeg peludi za kućne ljubimce
Prepun hranjivih tvari
Proteins, amino acids, hormones, vitamins like B-complex and C, minerals like calcium or magnesium are just some of nutrients pčelinji peludimati. Pčelinji pelud ima ove hranjive tvari koje promiču opće zdravlje kućnih ljubimaca pomažući u njihovim tjelesnim funkcijama.
Poboljšava oporavak od tjelesnih aktivnosti
For the active furry friends or the ones trying to recover from an illness, bee pollen is a good source of energy boost. Having a variety of nutrients makes it easy to alleviate fatigue thus helping pets to keep healthy and active.
Poboljšava otpornost tijela
Since bee pollen has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory elements, it may also help strengthen the cellular immune system. This will mean that pets are more aided in their resistance against everyday infections and thus their general health may be increased.
Pomaže u poboljšanju zdravlja i izgleda kože i dlake
It is common for many pet owners to see a visible improvement in both the skin and coat quality of their pets after starting them with bee pollen as part of the diet. The nutrient content in this bee product is used in nourishments for the skin and making the coat healthy and shiny.
Dodaci probave suprotno uvriježenom mišljenju
The enzymes contained in bee pollen can be viewed as a digestive aid which helps in the breakdown as well as absorption of nutrients. This might be very helpful for some pets that have a sensitive stomach or pets that suffer from some form of digestive problems.
Zorueova raznolikost proizvoda od pčelinjeg peluda
Zorue has a variety of bee pollen products that can be used for different pets. The company makes sure that their bee pollen comes from natural sources and is well-processed to keep most of its nutrients.
Naši proizvodi od pčelinjeg peludi Zorue su visoke kvalitete, prema proizvodnim standardima i svaka serija izlazi čista i nekontaminirana. Pružamo prirodne i učinkovite dodatke koji pomažu u održavanju zdravlja i vitalnosti kućnih ljubimaca. Jedna od atraktivnih značajki naših ornithos proizvoda je ta što ih preporučujemo kućnim ljubimcima različitih pasmina i veličina prema njihovim prehrambenim zahtjevima.
Dodavanje Zorueovog pčelinjeg peludi u prehranu vašeg ljubimca vrlo je zdrava stvar jer pruža brojne zdravstvene prednosti. Naši proizvodi izrađeni su od onoga što se naziva aktivnim pčelinjim peludom i stoga se mogu lako konzumirati. Naši proizvodi stoga pomažu aktivnom načinu života jer se mogu integrirati u dan i hej djeco, a izvrsni su i za kućne ljubimce u svim fazama, od mladih do starih.