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Beekeeping Screw Type Honey Wax Separator Cappings Screw Press Honey/Wax Separator Machine

Beekeeping Screw Type Honey Wax Separator Cappings Screw Press Honey/Wax Separator Machine
Beekeeping Screw Type Honey Wax Separator Cappings Screw Press Honey/Wax Separator Machine
Beekeeping Screw Type Honey Wax Separator Cappings Screw Press Honey/Wax Separator Machine
Beekeeping Screw Type Honey Wax Separator Cappings Screw Press Honey/Wax Separator Machine
Beekeeping Screw Type Honey Wax Separator Cappings Screw Press Honey/Wax Separator Machine
Beekeeping Screw Type Honey Wax Separator Cappings Screw Press Honey/Wax Separator Machine
Beekeeping Screw Type Honey Wax Separator Cappings Screw Press Honey/Wax Separator Machine
Beekeeping Screw Type Honey Wax Separator Cappings Screw Press Honey/Wax Separator Machine
Beekeeping Screw Type Honey Wax Separator Cappings Screw Press Honey/Wax Separator Machine
Beekeeping Screw Type Honey Wax Separator Cappings Screw Press Honey/Wax Separator Machine
Beekeeping Screw Type Honey Wax Separator Cappings Screw Press Honey/Wax Separator Machine
Beekeeping Screw Type Honey Wax Separator Cappings Screw Press Honey/Wax Separator Machine

Separator meda za vosak tipa vijaka je vrsta male opreme pogodne za uzgajivače pčela i male pčelinje farme. Principi  rada mašine su vosak za zatvaranje meda u rotaciji pritiska vijka i vijčanog cilindra, prisiljavajući odvajanje meda  i pčelinjeg voska.

Mere predostrožnosti za upotrebu

1.Pre upotrebe,  prvo proverite spoljni dalekovod, motor, protiv  strujnog udara nesreće.

2.After provere, pokrenite moć .check smer zavrtnja (smeru kazaljke na satu), ne može da se okreće suprotno od kazaljke na satu.

3.Cleaning nakon gašenja, iz zavrtnja sa zadnje strane, a vijak se može isprati toplom vodom.

pakovanje veličina 1350*530*780
Model reduktora motora KA F47-NA14-1.1(1.5)kV-A
380 (jednofazni 220) V, odnos brzine 1: 120-150
Brzina zavrtnja 9-14r / min
Prečnik zavrtnja φ125 (φ150 φ180) mm
50 (70,100) kg / h

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