Bogata z bistvenimi hranili
The most exciting feature of bee pollen is that it has an outstanding nutrient composition. It is said to have more than 250 active substances like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and antioxidants. Specifically, studies have shown that Čebelji cvetni prahvsebuje vitamine B-kompleksa, ki pomagajo pri proizvodnji energije in so pomembni za pravilno delovanje živčnega sistema. Poleg tega čebelji cvetni prah vsebuje vitamin C, ki pomaga pri krepitvi imunskega sistema, pa tudi vrsto mineralov, kot so kalcij, železo in magnezij, ki igrajo ključno vlogo pri tvorbi kosti, krvi in mišic.
Antioksidativna elektrarna
Antioxidants are essential because they protect body cells from free-radical cells that are unstable and may develop into chronic conditions like cancer and heart disease. Bioactive ingredients in rancid bee pollen include antioxidants such as flavonoids and carotenoids that assist in combatting these free radicals.
Podpira zdravje prebave
One of the applications of bee pollen is its ability to produce enzymes that assist in metabolism and gut health. These enzymes help with the breakdown of food more effectively which enables absorption of nutrients to be more efficient. Moreover, some evidence has been found that suggests that bee pollen could be prebiotic as well, supporting the good bacteria in the gut.
Spodbuja energijo in vitalnost
If you are an athlete or if you lead an active life, you may want to consider taking bee pollen for energy. This is because it is comprised of B-vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients that may help increase performance and relieve fatigue. In addition, fitness enthusiasts and the athletes who use active lifestyle for training do take bee pollen for their metabolism and recovery purposes.
Zorue: Vaš zaupanja vreden vir visokokakovostnega cvetnega prahu
Our professional team at Zorue has built adequate experience from scratch which helps we understand customer demands when it comes to sourcing quality products. We ensure all our products like bee pollen stand the test of quality. Our practiced beekeepers help us achieve maximum benefits with these industrious bees, while also ensuring all our operations are environmentally friendly.
Naša proizvodna ekipa natančno in odgovorno obdeluje vsa naročila in transakcije cvetnega prahu, kar nam pomaga ohraniti moč in kakovost. Ne glede na to, ali želite uravnotežiti svojo prehrano ali samo pridobiti dodatno energijo za delo z napornim seznamom opravil, priporočamo uporabo naših izdelkov.