
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes

Сатуу үчүн Лангстрот Улуттук Аары: 8/10 рамалары менен эки катмарлуу дизайн - бал уюгу жана аарылар кутучалары үчүн премиум жыгач аарычылык жабдуулар

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Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes
Langstroth National Beehive for Sale: Two-Layer Design with 8/10 Frames - Premium Wooden Beekeeping Equipment for Honey Comb & Bee Boxes

Лангстрот аарылардын уюгу:
Type:1 layer,2 layers,3 Layers
3 layers bee hive Including:
1.Outer cover 55.3*46.1*5.8cm
2.Inner cover 50.5*41.3*0.07cm
3.Shallow super hive 50.5*41.3*14.5cm
4.Dadant (Medium) Honey super 50.5*41.3*16.9cm
5.Deep hive body 50.5*41.3*24.5
6.Bottom board 55.9*41.3*4.8cm

Аарылардын уюгу рамалары:
Material:chinese fir wood, pine wood and plastic frames
Bee hive frames Size:
1.Shallow super hive frames: 48.3*44.8*13.6cm
2.Dadant (Medium) Honey super frames: 48.3*44.8*15.9cm
3.Deep hive body frames: 48.3*44.8*23.2cm

The Langstroth beehive is the standard type of hive for raising honey bees in the United States today. It is commonly used in other countries as well.The type is standard 10 frames lanstroth beehive,the frames are customized High-quality and selected wood(fir or pine) no knots, no blue stain for better beehive.
International standard furniture grade wood moisture contant 5% to prevent bee hive out of shape. Lightweight and durable. To make beehive good looking ,sturdy and can be used for a long time. Dovetail joint : keep square shape ,  no deformation after assembly.


10 кадр карагайдын жыгач аары:

Биринчи катмар (кийинки кутуча): 51 * 41 * 26см

Экинчи катмар (супер кутуча): 51 * 41 * 25см

Аарылардын мукабасы: 55 * 45 * 8см

Пластинанын калыңдыгы: 2см

10 кутуча түбү (бардыгы катуу жыгач)

535 × 405 × 75мм

10 кутуча түбү (түбү чапталган)

Такта) 535 х 405 х 65мм


8 кадр Жаңы Зеландия карагайы жыгач аары:

Австралия стилинде 8-рамкалык аары: 505 х 355 х 242мм;

Кутуча капкагынын өлчөмү

38см х 55см х 8см

8 кутуча түбү (бардыгы катуу жыгач)

535 × 355 × 75мм

10 кутуча түбү (түбү чапталган)

Такта) 535 х 355 х 65мм


Британиялык аарылардын уюгу (кызыл карагай/Жаңы Зеландия карагайы/кедр):

Аарылардын мукабасы: 460мм х 460мм х 100мм

Тайыз реле кутучасы: 460мм х 460мм х 150мм

Уя кутучасы: 460мм х 460мм х 225мм

Кутучасынын түбү: 460мм х 460мм х 65мм


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