
EPS & PVC Double-Layer Plastic Beehive: Premium Beekeeping Equipment with Polypropylene Plastic Hives & Boxes - Comprehensive Beehive Supplies

ЭПС жана ПВХ эки катмарлуу пластикалык аары: полипропилен пластикалык уялар жана кутучалар менен премиум аарычылык жабдуулар - комплекстүү аарылар менен камсыздоо

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EPS & PVC Double-Layer Plastic Beehive: Premium Beekeeping Equipment with Polypropylene Plastic Hives & Boxes - Comprehensive Beehive Supplies
EPS & PVC Double-Layer Plastic Beehive: Premium Beekeeping Equipment with Polypropylene Plastic Hives & Boxes - Comprehensive Beehive Supplies
EPS & PVC Double-Layer Plastic Beehive: Premium Beekeeping Equipment with Polypropylene Plastic Hives & Boxes - Comprehensive Beehive Supplies
EPS & PVC Double-Layer Plastic Beehive: Premium Beekeeping Equipment with Polypropylene Plastic Hives & Boxes - Comprehensive Beehive Supplies
EPS & PVC Double-Layer Plastic Beehive: Premium Beekeeping Equipment with Polypropylene Plastic Hives & Boxes - Comprehensive Beehive Supplies
EPS & PVC Double-Layer Plastic Beehive: Premium Beekeeping Equipment with Polypropylene Plastic Hives & Boxes - Comprehensive Beehive Supplies
EPS & PVC Double-Layer Plastic Beehive: Premium Beekeeping Equipment with Polypropylene Plastic Hives & Boxes - Comprehensive Beehive Supplies
EPS & PVC Double-Layer Plastic Beehive: Premium Beekeeping Equipment with Polypropylene Plastic Hives & Boxes - Comprehensive Beehive Supplies
EPS & PVC Double-Layer Plastic Beehive: Premium Beekeeping Equipment with Polypropylene Plastic Hives & Boxes - Comprehensive Beehive Supplies
EPS & PVC Double-Layer Plastic Beehive: Premium Beekeeping Equipment with Polypropylene Plastic Hives & Boxes - Comprehensive Beehive Supplies
EPS & PVC Double-Layer Plastic Beehive: Premium Beekeeping Equipment with Polypropylene Plastic Hives & Boxes - Comprehensive Beehive Supplies
EPS & PVC Double-Layer Plastic Beehive: Premium Beekeeping Equipment with Polypropylene Plastic Hives & Boxes - Comprehensive Beehive Supplies

1. Жаңы жана кесипкөй балчылар үчүн да иштөө үчүн эң жеңил.
2. Easy to open and inspect, move, or feed the bees.
3. Insulated to withstand extreme weather, and designed to prevent moisture buildup inside the beehive.
4. Bees can survive colder winters consuming less honey.
5. Standard features include a screened bottom board with pollen trap and drawer, entrance reducer, queen excluder, division/uniting board, frame spacers, and top feeder.


МатериалПолистирол аарылардын уюгу
Сырткы өлчөмдөр520×445×690
Ички өлчөмКапкагынын бийиктиги 90мм
Base height 80mm
Cabinet height 260mm
Weight 24kg


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