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Propolis mentah adalah antibiotik alami

22 Juli 2024

Lebah mengumpulkanPropolis mentahdari tunas dan kulit pohon. Dalam bentuk alaminya, Propolis Mentah terlihat lengket dengan warna coklat dan memiliki bau yang unik.

Apa itu Propolis Mentah?
Raw propolis is unprocessed propolis that is directly collected from the hive containing beeswax, resin, pollen, and several organic compounds including polyphenols and flavonoids. These constituents are known to give raw propolis its famous antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Sifat antibiotik
Due to its broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, raw propolis stands out as a promising drug candidate. Compounds in raw propolis can suppress the growth of bacteria broadly such as MRSA-resistant strains among others.

Mekanisme kerja antibiotik PROPOLIS RAW meliputi gangguan membran sel bakteri yang menyebabkan kebocoran kandungan intraseluler yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan kematian sel. Selain itu, propolis mentah merangsang respons kekebalan sehingga meningkatkan mekanisme pertahanan tubuh terhadap infeksi.

Menggunakan Propolis Mentah
Raw Propolis comes in various forms for customers like tincture or capsule while some may go for natural ones in order to make their own.

Pasang luka dan luka bakar; sehingga membantu penyembuhan karena menjadi antiseptik serta memiliki kualitas kuratif karena proses ini membantu menyembuhkan luka dengan begitu cepat.

Raw Propolis shows tremendous promise as an alternative natural antibiotic with numerous scientific studies indicative of various health benefits it offers. It possesses a unique blend of bioactive compounds that enable it fight bacterial infections and promote overall wellbeing.

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